I have discovered an error. How can I report it?
In view of its size, its constant updates and also for technical reasons, the Compendium Vascular Anomalies will never be perfect, however much care is taken.
Here we rely on “swarm intelligence”, i.e., on your assistance.
Do you have any suggestions for improvement or have you discovered errors in how the website functions? Would you like to point out inconsistencies or have you found any errors?
We welcome any input that contributes to the further development of the Compendium. Just send an email to the GISVA office. Many thanks in advance.
Who is behind the Compendium Vascular Anomalies?
The appropriate contact for the Compendium Vascular Anomalies is the German Interdisciplinary Society for Vascular Anomalies. (GISVA)
Editor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Walter A. Wohlgemuth (President of GISVA)
The respective designated author is responsible for the content of the individual articles and patient cases. You will find her or him next to every text, patient case, or image.
Who is the target group of this Compendium?
The primary target group of this Compendium is, according to the statutes of GISVA (increase in medical knowledge), medical specialists who, due to the fact that vascular anomalies are rare diseases, are not regularly confronted with these diseases during the course of their professional life. The Compendium aims to give them an opportunity to inform themselves about current classification, diagnosis and treatment options and risks.
The second target group are affected persons and their relatives. For them, the chapters “Consultation hour” and “For those affected” have been included in the Compendium. We have also tried to make medical texts easier to read even for laypeople by including an extensive glossary.
Why is there no contact form?
The reason for this is to avoid the communication of sensitive information via the internet to our contact address. This information may be subject to medical confidentiality and often concerns protected personal data.
Please note that the staff of GISVA are administrative employees and not physicians or medical professionals.
How can I still get in touch?
Simply send your request by email to the GISVA office.
Why no medical consultation?
The majority of our specialist authors are recruited from clinical physicians, whose clinical everyday life regularly does not allow them to react promptly to various inquiries. We ask for your understanding.
The articles and patient cases offered on this website serve purely to inform, and can in no way be a substitute for a direct doctor-patient relationship. We try to provide information. We will never be able to help anybody directly with actual treatment.
For an individual consultation, please contact a physician of your choice directly.
May I use the articles of the Compendium for my work?
Yes, you may! According to the Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, to which this website is subject, our content may be copied on the condition that you cite correctly and refer to the author, and do not pursue commercial purposes. See disclaimer point 5.
How can I become an author?
As you may have noticed, our Compendium is not complete today and may never be.
If you would like to participate as an author, we look forward to hearing from you.
Please submit the topic of your article/patient case study by email to the GISVA office. The Executive Committee will be happy to decide whether to include your article.
How can I withdraw consent to publish my image?
Our huge thanks go to all patients who have agreed to the publication of their photographs in the Compendium Vascular Anomalies and who are thereby contributing to the extensive variety and clarity of this project.
Each image in the Compendium Vascular Anomalies is assigned to the authorship and copyright of a single author (© “Author”). Only that author has your consent to publish the images. Nobody else knows your name.
Should you wish to withdraw your consent to publication, please contact the respective author directly. He/She will then arrange the immediate deletion of the relevant images as soon as possible.
For reasons of medical confidentiality, patient data are not accessible to GISVA or other processing agencies. We therefore cannot and may not process your consent withdrawal directly, but will be happy to assist you in contacting/establishing contact with the authors.
July 01, 2021