Chapter: Drug therapy
Article: 2 of 7
Update: Feb 08, 2021
Author(s): Wohlgemuth, Walter A.
The risk of thrombosis or thromboembolism is particularly increased in the following patients for whom temporary or permanent anticoagulation must be considered:
The basic principle of the coagulation therapy is to eliminate the cause of the coagulation disorder or of the increased risk of thrombosis, i.e., the venous malformation (with communicating veins):
If these invasive measures are carried out successfully, the indication for medical anticoagulation as a long-term therapy may no longer apply; it can then be seen as a bridging method until the final rehabilitation.
The basis of drug anticoagulation therapy of vascular anomalies is mild inhibition of plasmatic coagulation, usually with anti-Xa inhibitors.
Classic therapy is the administration of a low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) in prophylactic doses. Heparin is very effective in cases of severe pain and thrombophlebitis within a venous malformation, e.g., 5 to 7 days in a prophylactic dose. In the case of stronger pain with no lasting improvement , heparin therapy can be extended, e.g., to 21 days.
In the following cases of suspected extensive LIC within a large venous malformation, heparin administration must be performed at least 3 days before an invasive procedure:
This is to prevent LIC from turning into DIC with consecutive total coagulation failure. Heparin should be continued at least 20 days postoperatively.
The direct oral anticoagulants are pharmacodynamically similar to heparin and clinically very effective in vascular malformations. Larger studies are not yet available and this is an “off-label use” which needs to be explained to the patient.
Case study experience with rivaroxaban and apixaban in prophylactic doses has shown good clinical efficacy in preventing pain and thrombophlebitis as well as thromboembolic episodes.
Long-term anticoagulation, either with vitamin K antagonists or direct oral anticoagulants, may be considered in cases of frequently recurring, severe painful thrombophlebitis or a permanently increased risk of thromboembolic events. However, whether or not the same goal can be achieved by appropriate invasive measures (occlusion of the communicating veins) should be considered.
Therapy with ASA does not appear effective in the treatment of complications of venous malformation for pathophysiological reasons, as platelet aggregation plays a subordinate role here.